Festive lights return to Onehunga1 min read
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Hundreds gathered at Jellicoe Park for the annual Onehunga Christmas in the Park, and were excited to see the Norfolk pine lit up after a year without lights.
The tree was illuminated by lasers at 9pm, with the special effects kicking in at the same time, displaying different colours and patterns, and will remain on for a month. This year, a Norfolk pine closer to the park’s main path, was chosen for the display.
The event was funded by Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board, and featured performances from Oranga School, Royal Oak Intermediate, Marcellin College and Onehunga High, cheerleaders from the University of Auckland and Christmas carols were sung by the event hosts, the Royal Oak Baptist Church. Santa entertained the crowd under a decorated gazebo, and performed on his ukulele just before the tree lighting.
Local resident, Julia Bozich, has attended the event for many years, and though she was curious to see what the laser lights would look like, she was pleased that it was lit and “the community still gets the beautiful tree.”
Another local, Tim Southgate, estimated this was his eighth year attending the event, and while he enjoyed it last year, and the giving element of canned food donations, he says the tree being lit at the end really made the night.
Community feedback on the lights will be collected via a local board survey in early 2025, and they’ll decide whether the lights will be used for other events and celebrations, including Matariki.
Deputy chair, Debbie Burrows, says the board will keep an eye on local social media for community feedback, and are happy to be contacted directly, on maungakiekietamakilocalboard@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz