Doggy paddle paradise1 min read
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Wet weather didn’t deter the crowds for the annual Dog Day Out at The Y Onehunga War Memorial Pool recently, with dogs of all breeds and sizes jumping into the outdoor pool.
The event marked the end of the summer season, with the outdoor pool officially closed and emptied following the mass canine dip.
Various breeds including golden retrievers, Bernese mountain dogs, corgis, labradors, rottweilers and border collies, participated with some a bit sceptical about the water. The YMCA provided tennis balls as an extra incentive to swim too.
Dogs of all breeds and sizes enjoyed the annual Dog Day Out at Jellicoe Pools in April.
Sessions lasted an hour, with numbers limited for each session, to allow dogs and their owners to have ample space in and around the pool. Auckland Council animal management staff and Saving Hope Foundation, a charity focused on rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming dogs, also attended. Doggy treats were also on sale.
Black labrador, Moana was there with owner Caitlin, who described it as “wonderfully chaotic”. It was her second visit to a pool, as she was at Pt Erin Pools dip last week.