Cat club hosts a purrfect show2 min read
Reading Time: 2 minutes
The Abysinnian & Somali cat club of NZ had their purrfect annual show in September at the Onehunga Community House, in the penultimate championship show before the club’s 50th anniversary in 2024.
Fifty-one cats and 17 kittens entered the Sharon Thomas Memorial 2023 Championship Show in categories including pedigree shorthair, domestic shorthair, domestic longhair, companion longhair and companion shorthair. There was also a People’s Choice award, with votes by show visitors.
The show manager, treasurer and the club president are long time Onehunga residents, and the Onehunga Community House is their regular venue. “It’s a great venue with supportive management. The large rooms provide natural light, which is very helpful for accurately judging eye colour and coat markings,” says show manager, David Crozier.
“Our shows are always very social as a meeting place for regular exhibitors. This year our show was dedicated to Sharon Thomas, who was our long-standing committee member, breeder of Abyssinian cats, and producer of knitted mice for cat entertainment in their thousands.
“We are a small specialist club supported by domestic and pedigree exhibitors, and other shorthair cat breeds, so we normally have an interesting range of breeds on display. This year included a silver Bengal kitten, hairless Sphynx, Burmese, British, Javanese, Orientals and Abyssinians, who are very interactive cats.”
There is a standard of points which is part of a judge’s training, but there are other factors a judge may consider, such as coat condition, body weight, musculature, temperament and general presentation on the day.
The club is proud to still be going strong after 49 years, with 2024 promising guest judges, and celebratory cake as part of the 50th anniversary.
You can find the Abyssinian & Somali cat club of NZ on Facebook.